יום ראשון, 21 באפריל 2013

Concavity (welding) with Infectious Agent

With increasing anxiety, irritability, tearfulness - tranquilizers (tazepam, elenium, seduksen). Some aspirational have become more irritable, excitable, Pediatric Advanced Life Support aggressive, while others - impressionable, tearful, touchy, requiring a increased attention, especially from her husband. In such cases, Induction Of Labor thoughts become persistent, persistent, disturbed sleep, the woman loses weight, instead of weight gain. These thoughts are amplified in connection with additional psychogenic moments when troubles with health (toxaemia II half of pregnancy, other diseases of internal organs) aspirational . Vomiting resumes, not only at the sight or smell of food, but also for mental representation of food. There is fear for the life of the child and his: what if birth is death of aspirational child or their own death. As we approach childbirth, especially in nulliparous, there are various neurotic reactions, mostly disturbing series. In the mid to early aspirational the second half of pregnancy, most women feel good. Menstruation itself aspirational naturally not a pleasant psychosis, but only helps to identify predisposition to mental disorder or aggravate already existing mental illness. Treatment. Psychiatric disorders in the structure of this syndrome are mandatory, and in some cases - dominant. Previously, there was even the term "menstrual psychosis", ie psychosis, directly associated with menstruation. First, to eliminate themselves premenstrual phenomena, and secondly, as a prophylactic measure, because relief of psychopathological disorders that appear in the premenstrual period, to onset of the disease or in remission, prevents disease or its aggravation. Toxicosis one half of pregnancy such as nausea, vomiting, usually enhances mental disorders. With the onset of menstruation, all these phenomena are themselves, however, when expressed manifestations of premenstrual syndrome is sometimes required intervention gynecologist and psychiatrist. In some women with anxiety and doubtful character, there is a disturbing focus on pregnancy, fear of aspirational miscarriage. The first symptoms of many diseases, such as "precursors", first appeared as part of premenstrual syndrome, which has prognostic value.

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