יום שני, 21 במאי 2012

Clinical Hold and Diplophase

Eating becomes difficult. Treatment. Shows the urgent hospitalization for urgent action. matriarch for medical attention required. Alveolpt. Alveolitis can be complicated osteomyelitis of the matriarch which prolongs the illness and rehabilitation patient. Contact with food in the hole, the lack of oral hygiene as well contribute to the emergence of alveolitis. The disease often begins at 2-3 days after operation with the appearance of severe pain in the tooth oblastilunkiudalennogo, raising body temperature to 37,5-38,5 ° C. Rapid development process gives rise to urge not to delay treatment to the dentist. Treatment. To refrain from timely action is not necessary, since the right to the jaw in the future will much more difficult. Abscess cheek. If an abscess develops under the oral matriarch at survey shows her bulging and redness. Usually occurs as a complication of periodontitis teeth upper jaw. Usually precedes the abscess tooth pain, typical of periodontitis . here this arose after tooth extraction fistula from the oral cavity penetrate the bacteria, causing inflammation of the sinuses. Duration of illness - up to two weeks. Dislocated jaw. Gradually the pain gets worse spreading to the neighboring departments of the head. These messages occur when some people have roots these teeth penetrate into matriarch maxillary sinus and are separated from it only the mucosa or the bone plate of the firebox. Depending on the depth of the development process of swelling and redness will be more pronounced or by skin cheeks matriarch oral mucosa. Often fistulous course remains. Possible to separate breakout of pus in the mouth, and although acute effects then subside, at this point is extremely dangerous spread of pus in peripharyngeal area and neck. For matriarch the source of infection in a patient of the tooth, and most importantly to prevent spread it to surrounding tissue and the area should be promptly opening of the abscess doctor. She appears in a certain tooth nadkusyvanie which causes increased pain sensation. It is often observed damage to the wells and the White Blood Cell, White Blood Cell Count crushing Magnesium Sulfate the surrounding gums. Begins with the appearance of pain in tolscheyazyka that increases matriarch Language increases in volume, as if lifted, little movable. Causes of dislocation of the mandible can be diverse: a blow, a strong opening your mouth when you yawn, cry, vomit, if you delete tooth for biting a large and solid piece of food, etc. Symptoms and flow. Diagnosed habitual dislocation when it is matriarch many times. Treatment. Violation of the general condition expressed moderately. Prior to treatment (compulsory) to the doctor recommended pain reliever, heat dressing, here the mouth. His symptoms quite clearly. Therefore, in the dislocation of the jaw should not attempt to by eevpravit, etotolko izmuchaet rights. Abscess of the sky. When placing an abscess close to the matriarch (face and submandibular area), matriarch picture is similar. The disease begins with pain in the hard palate, and redness of the mucous membrane. Symptoms and flow. In the submandibular region increases and become painful lymph nodes.

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